Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm out of fruit... Nooooo... But I weigh...

I'm in the midst of a dilemma. I'm out of apples, grapes, and strawberries. And I'm on my 3rd banana for today.

Do you have a favorite fruit that you can't get enough of? That's apples and grapes for me. I love strawberries, but the rate at which the grow mold disturbs me. (Not that I ever waste perfectly good strawberries by forgetting them in the fridge and letting them grow mold for weeks..... o.O)

I'm still eating clean! However... I went to Baton Rouge Saturday for a Pampered Chef show with my dear friends Laura and Meredith, and although I did pretty well on Saturday, I had some sushi (that was most definitely cooked- I don't do raw fish) on Saturday night. And on the drive home on Sunday I treated myself to some Burger King.
It's not a big deal to me though, because I've been trying to eat clean 100% of the time, and most people only do it 80/20 or 70/30. I just can't be an 80/20er. I'll end up being a 20/80er if I tried. :D

The scale is reading 174.5! ('m excited about that. I weighed between 168 and 173 when I went to the beach about 5 years ago, before I met my husband, got married, and had kiddos. So my initial goal weight is 173. Although Phil says I'm "bikini-worthy". Let's give him the stretch marks and excess skin that two carrying two adorable children blesses you with, and see how "bikini-worthy" he feels. Not very? Yeah. That's what I thought. :D

Anyway, that's all I've got for right now. I'll share a recipe for clean eating enchilada casserole tonight- I've been cooking a lot of chicken breasts and veggies lately and haven't been feeling experimental. I need to go scrounge up some more good recipes.

Got Questions? Post them in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!!

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