Saturday, June 30, 2012

Clean Grocery Shopping

After enjoying my last "dirty" meal, I made a grocery list, found out which grocery store had the biggest organic selection, and headed there!

I tried to stay on the outer aisles of the store, and felt a little weird putting SO many fruits and veggies in my buggy. I was sure someone was going to think I was a hippie treehugging vegan. (Not that all vegans are treehugging hippies. But I was sure they would think I was. There was THAT much produce in my cart. ((... speaking of carts, do only southerners call their grocery carts buggies? Maybe I should just say cart from now on..)))

Here's the produce I got:
  • Lemons (for tea)
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Celery (I found a clean peanut butter! More on that later...)
  • Bananas
  • Potatoes
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Grapes
  • Romaine Lettuce (much more nutritious than iceberg- apparently iceberg is just blah when it comes to nutrition)
  • Onions
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell Peppers (I bought all the pretty colored ones; red, yellow, orange, green. I have no clue what the difference is. I guess I'm going to find out...)
  • Mangos (or is it Mangoes???)
  • Kiwis
  • Avocados
  • Watermelon
    I told you I looked like a hippie.

I also bought some frozen veggies. And nuts. (Are those considered produce?? Uh....)
  • Pecans
  • Almonds
  • Peanuts
  • Spinach
  • Corn
  • Green Beans

And then the dairy and egg aisle...

  • Fat Free Greek Yogurt (It sounds awful to me... but not if I add blueberries!! :)  )
  • Eggs (going to eat minimal yolks- mostly egg whites)
  • Almond Milk (For a mint chocolate chip protein shake recipe Philip found... Will share.)

I am avoiding beef and pork, and trying to stick to leaner meats like chicken, fish, and turkey. If you've never tried ground turkey, you should. Your husband and kids won't notice unless you tell them. (I speak from experience. :D ) So I just bought some Jennie-O Ground Turkey. I've got tons of chicken and tilapia at home.

So, you know how you're supposed to stay out of the middle aisles of the store? There are a FEW okay things. Just make sure when you go down those middle aisles, that you focus on what you are getting. (Whose idea was it to put cookies on the same aisle as the oatmeal?!) Here's the clean things from the middle aisle:
  • Salsa (I figured Philip could dump this on anything he thought was too bland. Salt is evil.)
  • Corn Tortillas (I promised him we could have some. I didn't find some that I was sure were clean, but the ingredient list was minimal and didn't have partially hydrogenated anything. All of the "healthy" and "whole grain" and "natural" labeled ones were FULL of partially hydrogenated oils! I was SHOCKED!)
  • Unsweeted Applesauce
  • Whole-grain pasta
  • Green Tea
  • 100% pure and natural maple syrup (okay to use occasionally. Just don't use a lot.) 
  • Steel-cut oatmeal
  • Peanut Butter (The ingredients list just said: Peanuts. SCORE! So proud of myself.)
  • Long Grain Brown Rice (Philip LOVES Rice. Double score.)

    My apologies for the upside-down picture. I'm too lazy to turn it around.

    I will admit it. I was SUPER nervous to go to the checkout. I kept formulating plans on how I was going to put things back without embarrassing myself if I went over my grocery budget. Is it just me, or wouldn't you think this would cost at least $275+? I mean, when I think organic, natural, clean foods, I think exPENsive!

    $158.09. That was my total. Woot!!! Go me.

    Any questions or comments on what is or isn't ok to buy? Post them below and I'll answer! :)

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